Dubrovnik, Croatia
architecture & interior design:
Dana Krhlanko
status: built

Kapelica was a sad, old house. Proud somewhere beneath all the layers of the past. We needed to break through, demolish, and clean a lot, to find the old lady’s beauty. The client, a strong woman and her partner had a lot of force and determination to make it all happen.
After the initial group process on the site, and mayor planning decisions, months of working drawings, trips to Italy, trips to Dubrovnik, visits to shops, and meetings with craftsmen resulted in a nice interior.
Comments on booking.com show the appreciation of the guests for the effort and love given into space.

Martina, the owner says:
“Svaki put kad uđem u Kapelicu kako je zovemo od milja, ugodno se iznenadim, jer je sve bolja i bolja. Prostor ne gubi na atraktivnosti nego dapače. Više od toga nisam mogla poželjeti.
Dana je majstor svog posla, ima osjećaj za prostor i klijenta tako da je cijeli proces kreativan i u svojoj srži organski.”