
Laduč, Croatia


architecture: Dana Krhlanko

landscape: Damir Šeler

status: preliminary design

A large family wants a place for family gatherings and celebrations. The ground floor is dedicated to that. Inner space flows freely toward the garden. When not needed by the family, it will be rented for a similar purposes.

The first floor contains a hall for yoga, fitness, and workshops.

One corner volume is a self-contained unit dedicated to a landlady yearning for her private space.

This house fulfills many demands. Although a complex volume, it is very neat in its structure.

 design elements with harmonizing effect:

– aligned with cardinal directions

– strong center with zenital light

– powerful clockwise spin

– free I-W and N-S energy flow


– balanced energy keys

– exposure to north: green energy quality

– exposure to east: UV energy quality

– arrangement of functions according to dominance of the elements distribution